For those of you who don't remember, I had a blog half-heartedly going for a while that sort of died before it was really born. I still used dial-up until a month ago, and my connection was like in the Flintstones, when Wilma opens the dishwasher and there's a hedgehog or something slowly crawling on little treadmill to power it and it shrugs and goes, "eh, it's a living." And also it shut down a lot. Well, now that I have joined everybody in the Jetsons future with it's whiz-bang quick internet, I will have no tedious connection to blame for my laziness in updating this sucker.
Still reading? OK, so I just got back from SPX, which was pretty great this year. I saw a lot of new stuff from people I already liked (like Liz Baille and Dongery) and some new stuff like Mammal and the Buenavista Press stuff that I will never be able to afford. They've got some nerve asking $30 for a comic book, cool though it may be. Is that how you know comics are really art- when you can't actually buy them? My favorite find was a mini "Creator Showcase" from "Team 8 Press" featuring Tom Batten (script) and Matt Deans (art) with some really great monster art and weird, interesting writing too (check it out
"Team of 8" is a little too close to "House of Twelve" if you ask me, but it's good stuff. There was also a new D&Q sketchbook called "Milk Teeth" that was far inferior to my comic by the same title. And also a guy selling a series called "Gellyroll", which is like my mini series, "Jelly Roll", but with a 'G', see? It's getting to be too hard to be original in this here scene. This is how you end up with comics called "Lift Your Leg, My Fish is Dead" and other such nonsense.
"Milk Teeth" #1 sold really, really well (buy it on and I have started work on #2, which will feature monsters instead of magical creatures. I accidentally threw away the fully penciled first 4 pages (noooo!) but I'll post 'em as soon as they're re-done.